Chris Baughman
- Area of Certification - - Site Contents -
Chris Baughman
Secondary Mathematics

- Contact Information -

(662) 257-5968

:: Documentation in Area of Certification
:: Evidence of Teaching and Learning
:: Professional Reflections
:: Internet Resources
:: Sample Lesson Plans
:: Assessment and Evaluation
:: Extra Curricular Activities
My Educational Philosophy Statement

My Educational Philosophy (word document)
Please click on the link provided below to view my professional resume.

This area will contain a link to a professional resume.
Minimum requirements include:
Contact Information
Education Teaching Experiences
Honors and Awards
Relevant Work Experience

My Resume (word document)

Documentation and Evidence in Area of Certification (INTASC 1, 2, 7)
This area will contain a link(s) that provides documentation and evidence of commitment and experience in the student's area of certification.
Minimum requirements include:
Membership in at least one professional organization
2 documents of sample work from subject area methods classes
2 professional journal article summaries and reflections in area of certification
3-5 page paper in area of certification
3 teaching and learning resources for area of certification

Mississippi Association of Educators card (jpg image)
Framework/Textbook Comparison (word document)
Two Text Comparison (word document)

Education Week Article (word document)
Media & Methods
(word document)
Gauss Paper (word document)

Reading Strategies
(word document)

Evidence of Teaching and Learning (INTASC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

This area will contain a link(s) that provides documentation and evidence of a commitment to teaching and learning.
Minimum requirements include:
1 Observation/tutoring report
2 Images of student work
1 Classroom management plan
1 Written documentation providing evidence of interaction with people that perform services for the school
1 example of a student activity or assignment using technology

Observation/Tutoring Report (word document)
  (power point)
Greatest Common Factor (power point)
Student Proof of the Quadratic Formula (word document)
Icosahedron (jpg image)
Classroom Discipline Plan (word document)
Conic Sections Sketchpad Drawing
(jpg image)

Professional Reflections (INTASC 1, 9, 10)

This area will contain a link(s) that provides documentation and evidence of the student as a reflective practitioner.
Minimum requirements include:
1 reflection on a specific lesson taught in the field
1 reflection on the student's overall fall field experience
1 reflection on the student's overall student teaching experience
1 reflection on population of students during student teaching identifying range of learners

Solving Two-Step Equations Reflection (word document)
Fractional M&Ms Reflection (word document)
Fall Field Experience Reflective Journal (word document)

Student Teaching Reflection (word document)

Internet Resources (INTASC 2, 3, 7)

This area will contain links that provides Internet resources for teaching and learning in the student's area of certification.
Minimum requirements include:
10 general education resources
10 Internet resources in area of certification
1 lesson plan that integrates knowledge from two or more disciplines

Place Internet Resources links below.
Lesson Plan incorporating History (word document)

General Education Resources
Title:  The Lesson Plans Page


Description:  This page provides over 2000 lesson plans for almost any subject. Teachers can create their own plans and post them on this site for others to use, or they can borrow ideas for lessons in their own classrooms. This site is great for teachers to continue developing both cognitively and creatively throughout their careers.


Description: allows teacher to post class notes, flash cards, assignments, discussions, etc., online for both students and their parents to see. It is a great way to keep up in class for students who are absent. More importantly, it is great for parents to see what their children are doing and help with different assignments.
Title:  Smithsonian Institution


Description:  The Smithsonian Institution site gives students the chance to get information concerning numerous aspects covered by the Smithsonian Museum. It is updated regularly, so the information provided on subjects remains recent. Teachers can use the site for lesson plans, professional development, and online tours.
Title:  Teachers Helping Teachers


Description:  This website alows teachers from all subjects to submit lesson plans and activities that others may use.  It is a great way to find new, creative, and diverse ways to teach certain lessons.
Title:  Fact Monster


Description:  Fact Monster provides information concerning a number of topics.  Students may browse this site for unknown facts about people, events, sports, math, and science.  Also, the site provides students with online games and quizzes as well as a homework center that offers help to students struggling in almost any subject.
Title:  PBS


Description:  The PBS website allows anyone to search for information in any subject.  It allows you to find out what is happening all over the world.  Also, there are sections for students, parents, and teachers.
Title:  Mississippi Department of Education


Description:  This site provides teachers with the latest news in education as well as a listing of jobs around the state of Mississippi.  Also, this site contains the K-12 curriculum for the state, the latest legislation impacting education, and additional resources to aid teachers and students.
Title:  Yahooligans!


Description:  Yahooligans! is a great site for kids to learn about almost any subject.  This site includes links to world news, movie information, and jokes.  Students can also learn about animals, music, and astrology.  Yahooligans! provides something of interest to everyone.


Description:  Eduhound provides teachers with links to all types of educational resources, such as lesson plans, clip art, and other subject-area links.  This site also allows teachers to create useful worksheets for classroom application.


Description:  This unique site provides students with information about some of the most intriguing topics they can imagine.  From the origin of pimples and the body to information about earthworms and roaches, students will be captured in learning about topics they have always wondered about.
Area of Certification Resources
Title:  Ole Miss Problems of the Week


Description:  The Ole Miss Problems of the Week website updates weekly.  It allows students from Elementary School mathematics, Middle School mathematics, Algebra, and Geometry as well as other areas of mathematics to test their knowledge of mathematics.  There are a multitude of problems and contests from each area which students can enter, and students who submit correct answers have a chance to win selected items from Casio.
Title:  The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive


Description:  This website is a great way to incorporate the history of mathematics into the classroom.  Students may browse this website for concepts like famous curves, famous mathematicians, and general math history.  It also provides other awesome, helpful features, such as a glossary index.


Description:  This website contains a number of interactive educational games for many subject, such as math, English, social studies, and more. These games allow students to enjoy the learning process. Teachers can incorporate these games into their lessons to make a more enjoyable learning environment.
Title:  Brain Teasers


Description:  Each week a new problem is posted on this website for students to attempt. Hints and solutions are provided for each question. This site also provides a contest for the summer that students can enter and compete against other students from all over the world.
Title:  Did You Ever Wonder?


Description:  The Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley Lab provides this website, which allows students to read about how different things in the world work. From the number pi to cancerous cells, experts all over the world provide information to help explain the “why’s” of the world to kids from all over.
Title:—Graph It!


Description:  This site contains a graphing calculator that can help students with their homework or other problems. Also, it provides information on all the functions of the graphing calculator.
Title:  Word Problems for Kids


Description:  This website provides students grades 5 through 12 with math word problems to help improve critical thinking skills. It allows them to see hints and check their answers with the click of a button. Teachers may also get ideas for test problems from this site.
Title:  Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles


Description:  This website contains puzzles, games, proofs, and tutorials to almost any concept concerning mathematics.  It also contains other features, such as a page on mathematics as a language and a mathematics poll.
Title:  Website Title: The Math Forum—Ask Dr. Math


Description:  This site allows students and teachers to ask questions concerning problems or the problem-solving process and get responses in a short amount of time. Students and teachers both can search archives for their grade and topic of concern.
Title:  Website Title: Figure This! Math Challenges for Families


Description:  This site interactively challenges students with a variety of math problems. It also allows parent involvement with helping his/her children. The colorful shapes, cartoons, and graphics will visually attract students to this educational website.
Sample Lesson Plans (INTASC 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 7)

This area will contain links that provide lesson plans developed by the student for their area of certification.
Minimum requirements include:
10 day lesson plan
At least one lesson plan must include:
*integration of knowledge from two or more disciplines
*demonstration of opportunities and resources for diverse learners *integration of the use of community resources
* integration of the use of technology
*integration of the use of critical thinking/problem solving strategies and questioning techniques
* reflective comments of the development and implementation of the lesson

Integers and Equations (7th Grade)
(word document)
Fractional M&Ms
(7th Grade) (word document)
10 Day Lesson Plan (Algebra I) (word document)
GCF Reflection (word document)
Group Presentations Reflection (word document)
Videotape Reflection: Factoring Trinomials (word document)

Assessment and Evaluation (INTASC 2, 3, 8)
This page will provide documentation and evidence of the student's commitment to student and teacher assessment and evaluation in the area of certification.
Minimum requirements include:
1 teacher made assessment instrument with reflective analysis of instrument
1 example of student assessment other than a paper/pencil test.
1 STAI supervising/cooperating teacher evaluation
1 STAI self evaluation

Algebra II Test (word document)
Conic Sections Project (word document)
STAI Self Evaluation (word document)
Coach Roberson's Evaluation (word document)
Extra Curricular Activities (INTASC 10)

This page will provide documentation and evidence of community involvement and service outside the school environment.
Minimum requirements include:
2 examples of community involvement

My Interests and Hobbies (word document)
Community Involvement (word document)

© 2003 School of Education University of Mississippi Last updated August 20, 2003