(with J. Champagne, Y.-R.
Liu and T. D. Wooley) Well-distribution modulo one and the primes,
preprint. [PDF]
(with P.-Y. Bienvenu, J. T. Griesmer and A. Lê) Intersective sets for sparse sets of integers, to appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. [PDF]
(with C. Qiu) On the order of additive bases in finite abelian groups, to appear in Involve. [PDF]
(with Y.-R.
Liu and T. D. Wooley) Equidistribution
polynomial sequences in function fields, with applications,
preprint. [PDF]
(with J. T. Griesmer and A. Lê) Bohr sets in sumsets II: countable abelian groups, Forum Math. Sigma 11 (2023), paper no. e57. [PDF][Journal]
(with A. Lê) Bohr sets in sumsets I: compact abelian groups, to appear in Discrete Analysis. [PDF]
(with P.-Y. Bienvenu and B. Girard) On additive
bases in infinite abelian semigroups, Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 7 (2023), no. 1, 1--44. [PDF][Journal]
(with A. Lê) Multidimensional configurations
in the primes with shifted prime steps, Acta Math. Hungar. 164 (2021), no. 1, 1--14. [PDF][Journal]
(with Z. Ge) Essential components in vector
spaces over finite fields, Mosc. J. Comb. Number Theory 10 (2021), no. 2, 149--166. [PDF][Journal]
(with Z. Ge) On theorems of Wirsing and Sanders, Acta Arithmetica 189 (2019), no. 4, 381--390. [PDF] [Journal]
(with P.-Y. Bienvenu) Linear and quadratic uniformity
of the Möbius function over Fq[t], Mathematika 65 (2019), Issue 3, 505--529. [PDF] [Journal]
(with P.-Y. Bienvenu) A bilinear Bogolyubov theorem, European Journal of Combinatorics 77, March 2019, 102--113. [PDF] [Journal]
(with A.
Bhowmick and Y.-R.
Liu) A note on character sums in
finite fields, Finite Fields Appl. 46 (2017),
247--254. [PDF] [Journal]
(with M.
Kelly) Van der
Corput sets with respect to compact groups,
Arch. Math. (Basel) 110 (2018), no. 4, 343--349. [PDF] [Journal]
(with V.
Lambert and A. Plagne)
bases in groups, Israel J. Math., 217 (2017),
no. 1, 383--411. [PDF] [Journal]
(with A.
Bhowmick) On
primitive elements in finite fields of low characteristic, Finite
Fields Appl. 35 (2015) 64--77. [PDF] [Journal]
(with J.
D. Vaaler) Multiplicatively
badly approximable
matrices in fields of power series, Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 143 (2015), no. 9, 3791--3800. [PDF]
(with C. V.
Spencer) Intersective
polynomials and Diophantine approximation, II, Monatsh.
Math. 177 (2015), no. 1, 79--99. [PDF]
(with J.
D. Vaaler) Sums
of products of fractional
parts, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 111 (2015), no. 3,
561--590. [PDF] [Journal]
(with J.
Wolf) Polynomial
configurations in the primes, Int.
Math. Res. Not. (2014) 2014 (23): 6448--6473. [PDF]
(with M.
Kelly) Uniform
dilations in
higher dimensions, J. London Math. Soc. (2013) 88 (3):
925--940. [PDF]
(with C. V.
Spencer) Intersective
polynomials and Diophantine approximation, Int. Math. Res.
Not. (2014) 2014 (5): 1153--1173. [PDF]
regularity and
the primes, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 350
(2012), no.
9--10, 439--441. [PDF]
and results on
intersective sets, Combinatorial and Additive Number
Theory: CANT 2011 and 2012, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics
& Statistics (2014). [PDF]
(with Y.-R.
Liu) On
sets of polynomials
whose difference set contains no squares, Acta Arith. 161
(2013), 127--143. [PDF] [Journal]
(with C. V.
Spencer) Difference
sets and
the irreducibles in function fields, Bull. Lond.
Math. Soc.
43 (2011), no. 2, 347--358. [PDF]
and the primes, Journal of Number Theory 130
(2010), Issue
8, 1705--1717. [PDF]
theorem in
function fields, Acta Arith. 147 (2011),
129--152. [PDF]
(with J.
Cilleruelo) On
a question of Sárközy on gaps of
product sequences, Israel J. Math. 179 (2010), 285--295. [PDF] [Journal]
Fall 2024:
Math 625 (Modern Algebra I)
Combinatorics seminar
I am currently the organizer of our Combinatorics seminar. If you want to give a talk, contact me!