I thank Professor Warren Steel of the University of Mississippi Department of Music for setting up the hypertext version of this guide and, at the time of each update, for correcting my rudimentary HTML editing, making many recommendations, and editing the content for accuracy. In late 2002 Warren devised the Cascading Style Sheet to control the appearance of these webpages on various browsers, as recommended by the the World Wide Web Consortium.
I thank many individuals for providing resource information. During the infancy of this guide, the following knowledgeable people were particularly helpful: Charles Whitmer, Doug Allison, Keith Willard, Gaylon Powell, James Page, Berkley Moore, Kelly Day, Warren Steel, Robert Vaughn, Robert Hall, and Arlie Prokop. In recent years, I have obtained information about resources mainly from postings of many singers on the Fasola-Singings and Fasola-Discussion mailing lists, and the Sacred Harp Friends Facebook Group. I am also indebted to perhaps hundreds of singers, obviously too numerous to mention, who have provided information in this manner. I am particularly grateful to Jeremiah Ledbetter for providing to me much information directly. I regret that I no longer acknowledge the names of all sources of information, in order to keep the file size of this guide manageable. In writing descriptions of resources, I sometimes lift sentences from the producers' own descriptions without much rewriting. No plagiarism is intended. In these cases, my intent is to "advertise" resources without deviating much from the producers' own wording.
I thank Jim Kent, University of California, Santa Cruz, for permission to use his background pattern floret.jpg on the title page. He used this background for many years on the UCSC Genome Browser, the first and most popular window onto the human and other genomes that have been sequenced.
Steven L. Sabol