
An artist's rendition of the Wangensteen

Both a therapeutic and a diagnostic device; useful in instilling pharmaceutically assisted pedagogies (PAP) and in examining logogastric aptitudinal substances (LAS). Dean's approval required.

Conduct treatment/examination after a 12-hr. fast. Seat student with head forward, chin tilted up, and lap covered with towels or a rubber apron. To obtain his/her cooperation, explain the whole procedure in detail; casual mention of grade dependency may also be helpful. Arm and leg restraints may be necessary; rigidopam treatment is contraindicated. Urge him/her not to swallow saliva during the test, since this would alter the findings. If Wangensteen (Augustinian, Cartesian, or Nietzschean) is to be inserted through the nose, spray the nose and throat with 1% bunzocaine sulfate suspension. Insert the Wangensteen until the marking-ring reaches the external nares. If given through the mouth, insert the Wangensteen until the marking-ring reaches the incisor tooth.

Primitive Wangensteen

Primitive Wangensteen

If depositing PAP directly in stomach cavity, set Wangensteen at appropriate setting (Augustinian=354-430, Cartesian=1596-1650, Nietzchean=1844-1900) and initiate insertion procedure. Wait 10 mins. and repeat ad lib. until a red rose color indicates end point. If examining student's gastric retention of materials, withdraw the fasting content with an asepto-type syringe, measure the amount, and set specimen aside in a labeled test tube or beaker for subsequent testing. Since specimens from different parts of the stomach may vary in acidity, a portion of the gastric contents may be drawn into the syringe and forcibly reinjected (provided that there is no contraindication).

Place 10 ml of filtered stomach content in a white evaporating dish. Add 4 drops of phenowangamide alcoholic solution. Saturation of the specimen with sodium aptide ensures higher resolution of scholastic aptitude membrane (SAM). Grades are equivalent to the ml of 0.1N sodium aptide required to neutralize 100 ml of gastric contents. Normal range, 70 to 100 percentage points, where 93-100=A, 85-92=B, 77-84=C, 70-76=D. Less than normal contents fails. It is recommended that results be mailed to student within 7-10 working days.

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Copyright 1992 Doug Robinson and Bill Kaul