
Description and type: hostility to instructor, university, the "system," learning in general. Digressive/repressive or digressive-rebellious disorder.

Symptoms and signs: responds with inappropriate tonalities (disgust, resentment, frustration, irritation, aggravated disbelief) to instructor's arguments, assignments, tests, grades, diction, person, etc. Displays tendency to extend hostile critiques to the university or social fabric as a whole. Shows contempt for learning as officially defined (see silence). Typically a male disorder.

Etiology: related to that of crying, but gender-differentiated. Stubborn refusal to relinquish power to vested social authorities generates frustration, which males are sociobiologically coded to express as anger, females as crying. Some unnatural members of each gender will display behavior appropriate to the opposite gender: inverted men will cry, inverted women will express anger.

Treatment: placidoflavin bromide (Calm-Ez).

Prognosis: treatable in most cases. Extreme cases may require temporary hospitalization.

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Copyright 1992 Doug Robinson and Bill Kaul