Research interests are in micro and macro mechanics of composites materials, elasticity and fracture mechanics, computational and experimental mechanics, impacts dynamics, nano-structured materials, and repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures.
Examples of previous research work include: investigating the size effect of the particles in metal-matrix composites; Analysis of transversely isotropic hyperelastic biphasic cartilage under indentation load; Evaluating the durability of polymeric composite materials for infrastructure applications; Identification of interfacial mechanical properties in composites and correlating the analytical results to the experimental ones obtained by the Micro Indentation Test (ITS); Studying damage mechanisms in composite materials using numerical, analytical, and experimental techniques; Using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as an NDE technique to detect damage in repaired concrete structures with FRP; evaluating electro-mechanical properties of nano-structured materials and their applications; and Modeling engineering materials from atomic level to macro level.
Published more than 5 dozen Journal and conference papers.
Publications appeared leading journals in the area of composite materials and structures (i.e. Acta Materialia, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Journal of Solids and Structures, ACI Concrete International, ASTM International, Journal of Material Science, Composite B, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, and others)