VIVA TUTTE LE VEZZOSE (Here's a health to all good lasses) Text: unknown Tune: Felice Giardini, 1716-1796 (Sacred Harp, p. 361) MIDI: Viva tutte le vezzose, donne amabili, graziose che non hanno crudeltà. Viva sempre, viva, viva, che da loro sol deriva la maggior felicità. An English version (The Penguin Part Song Book): Here's a health to all good lasses, Pledge it merrily, fill your glasses, Let a bumper toast go round. May they live a life of pleasure, Without mixture, without measure, For with them true joys are found. A Masonic adaptation: Hail, mysterious glorious science, Which to discord bids defiance; Harmony alone reigns here. Come, let's sing to him that rais'd us From the rugged path that maz'd us To the Light that we revere.