__ 1P 2 12 .3- 3 1 REP. --------------''------------------------------------------------------ D :6 | 6 6 | | 6 5 3 | .6- R | :R | :R | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4C My soul repeat his praise Whose mercies are so great, 1P --------------__------------------------------------------------------ C :3 | 3 3 5 56 | .5- 3 | 5 4 3 3 | .3- R | :R | .R- 3 | --------------''------------------------------------------------------ 4C My soul repeat his praise Whose Whose mercies are so great, __ 1P 1 .3- 5 3 21 1 2 2 2 5 ------------------------------''----__-------------------------------- A :6 | 6 7 6 | | 7 65 | .6- R | .R- | | ------------------------------------''-------------------------------- 4C My soul repeat his praise Whose anger is so Whose mercies are so great, 1P 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B :6 | 6 5 6 | .3- 3 | 1 2 3 3 | | 3 3 3 1 | 5 5 5 3 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4C .6- 6 My soul repeat his praise Whose anger is so slow to rise, Whose mercies are so great, Whose _________________________________________________________________________ __ 1P 1 2 2 2 5 3 3 3 1 ---------------------------------'---------------------------------- D .R- | | 6 | 5 3 5 5 | .6- || :6 || ----------------------------------'--------------------------------- 4C Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. bate. 1P ------------__----__--_______------------__------------------------- C 6 6 6 54| 3 34 .5 | .5- 5 | 5 54 3 3 | .3- || :3 || ------------''----''---------------------''------------------------- 4C anger is so slow to rise, So ready to a- bate. bate. __ 1P 3 3 3 1 1 3 .3- 5 3 21 ------------'----------------------------''-----__------------------ A 6| 5 3 | | 7 65 | .6- || :6 || -------------'----------------------------------''------------------ 4C slow to rise, So ready to abate, So ready to a- bate. bate. 1P 1 ------__----------__--________-------------------------------------- B 6 6 6 | 7 65 .3 | .3- 3 | 1 2 3 3 | || || ------''----------''------------------------------------------------ 4C .6- :6 anger is so slow to rise, So ready to a- bate. bate.Transcribed by Warren Steel
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